Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mini Medusa

Given enough time I will end up making every creature in Christen Hayden's Creepy Cute Crochet. I attempted a Medusa a few weeks ago, but didn't get the head snakes made in the correct proportion to the body. This time I decided to follow the pattern more closely and, as you can see, things have turned out much better. Lately I'm really keen on making small amigurumis, perhaps because I'm running out of space for the larger ones. This was made with some leftover sport weight baby yarn on the head and some sport weight Red Heart in black.

I've almost got two new free patterns ready to post. My latest creations are just awaiting some eyes. The boyfriend, who is both wise and witty, is making those out of clay for me. The new designs are video game oriented, but that's all I'm going to say about them for now. Feel free to share your guesses as to what they might be in the comments section. I'll try to get them finished and posted before the end of the month.

The mini Medusa hanging with her friend the Tea Ninja.

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